Why shouldn't the sound of your radio evolve with the musical programming ? Why shouldn't your sound signature evolve whilst that of your competitors is constantly doing so ?
Thanks to a simple and innovative technological offer, and wherever you are in the world, Yakuda Audio provides you with an adapted sound and signature throughout the year, integrating the evolution of your musical programs as well as the sound evolution of your competitors.
Yakuda proposes remote control of the whole of your processing installation. From our lab, it is now possible, via a simple internet connection, to listen to your radio as well as to your competitor's radio.
This E-Processing solution will allow you to concentrate 100% of your budget to your sound signature and to avoid incurring general living and transport expenditure for on-site interventions.
Yakuda equally offers the possibility to work on your sound and to make you discover new processing methods without having to buy them, from its own lab.
You will thereby be able to listen by remote control via an HD player in your offices, production studios, as well as in your car so that you can immerse yourself in a real listening condition just as your audience does.